"New Knee for Me" take two 7-12-2018

For some reason I quit writing about my knee and everything that I was doing since it had been replaced.  I do know that I haven't regretted it one bit.  And now here it is July 2018.  It's almost my 4 year anniversary since I had my first knee replacement.   That's right I said my first replacement cause in just over a month I'm having my right knee replaced.  This knee has been giving me trouble probably for about 2 years. I've had several cortisone shots, gel shots, an arthroscopic surgery and lastly and I've been wearing a knee brace for the last 10 months. 

So basically it's time.  I went today to get my final MRI which will be used to make my joint.  Getting the MRI is a huge stressor for me.  I'm a little claustrophobic and I just hate getting it done. I thought I remembered  from my last replacement that the MRI took close to an hour. So for today I was worried about it, I got a Valium from the doctor and went in.  I honestly felt relaxed, so I guess the Valium worked, but also I told the tech I was freaked a bit and he talked to me the whole time and the best thing was it literally was only like 15 minutes.  What a relief.  So now that's out of the way.  I have an appointment to get a few other pre surgery tests and blood work done and then surgery will be August 15th.  So "New Knee for Me" take two is coming soon.  

120 Steps 9-19-2014

I went to visit Janet in New York since I was off work doing rehab for my knee. This was one of my rehab projects a couple times a day.  This staircase was the way to get to Janet's school so I would walk her to work, walk back to her apt and then go back and meet up with her when she got off work and again walk home.  It was a great workout and not very easy but definitely got a very accomplished feeling each time I went up and down.