Day 3 Post-Op 7/25/14

A little bit of a rough morning.  I got up out of bed to go for a walk with the PT lady.  It was kind of early and my breakfast had just arrived but I decided I wanted to walk first.  We were out walking the halls and were also going to conquer some stairs as well.  We were just about to the hallway to do the stairs and I started to feel sick.  I told the therapist I needed to go back to my room.  When we got back I sat in the chair and then between her and the nurse they tried to make me feel better.  I had a cool, wet cloth for my head and then some nausea pills to help get rid of that sick feeling I had. Not really sure where it came from but I was not happy about it.  I had been doing so well not feeling sick because on other times I've had anesthesia I have gotten sick .  This time I didn't, I didn't even feel sick once.  And then this.  But it worked it's way out.  I sat for a while and ate a little bit of breakfast and then went back to bed.  There was a chance that this was going to hinder whether I got to go home or not.  I was hoping it wouldn't but if I was sick and not able to handle my pain  meds or use the toilet it could happen.  We think it was because I didn't get good sleep again , plus I had taken pain pills thru the night and hasn't eaten yet either. Who knows?  The nurse asked if it was because I was feeling anxious about going home.  One of the other people that clears me to go home also said I didn't have to if I wasn't ready.  I was ready but I wanted to make sure I was going to be able to somewhat get around.  

The rest of the morning got better.  I was feeling better, the PT came back in and we went for a walk and I did awesome.  Then we tried out the stairs and I didnt struggle at all.  She said I was ready and she would be happy to release me.  We talked about some other situations I may need to work on.  One would be using the toilet and another getting in and out of the shower as well as a car.  Also talked to the hospital doctor and let her know how my pain had been doing.  She stressed to me what I had talked about yesterday which was to stay on top of any I was having and to also let my doctor know if I needed something stronger or different to take.  I had a great nurse today and she was really helpful and wanted to make sure I was ok with going home.  She told Kev and I what we needed to do once we got home and with follow ups etc.  I got my drainage tube taken out as well as my catheter and then I got to take a shower.  I had no idea I'd be able to take a shower so soon.  The nurse had taken off my big bandage and padding and underneath that is a waterproof bandage.  So I can shower and not worry about it.  The stitches are self dissolving so I don't have to worry about doing anything with them either.  Now the only thing left was to pack up and go.  It was definite, I was ready to go.  

I have to be honest I was a little worried about leaving.  I think I just wasn't sure how everything would go and how I would do.  At least at the hospital everyone is right there.  But as the day had gone on and I saw and talked to more people they all assured me that I was going to be fine and was in great shape to work on what I needed to work on at home.  Kev has a few weeks off and I know he is going to be very supportive and take great care of me.  

We packed up, I signed forms and Kev got my prescriptions and we headed home.  Once we got home I went down to my room and relaxed.  I was now home and ready to work hard to get my new knee in great shape. 

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