September 25, 2018 6 Week Post-Op Appt

Tomorrow will mark 6 weeks since my surgery.  I had a follow up appointment today with my Dr.  He was very happy with my progress.  He said he I was doing great being just 6 weeks out.  My bend and straightening is really good and he’s happy with it all.  I told him about how bad my sensitivity has been and how the inside of my knee is really sore especially at night.  He said it’s normal that the pain is worse at night and also normal how my knee is always hot.  All of this takes time and will get better in time.  He gave me a prescription for an anti inflammatory cream which he said may help that pain, otherwise I just have to wait it out.  I got the ok to ride a regular bike and he also said I could play pickle.  Although he did follow that with not all out and running around but you can get back out there.  I told him how my lateral movement isn’t there yet and that I need to work on that to be able to go all out.  He asked about PT and I told him I was going twice a week and he said he thought I could  quit going in the next two weeks.  I may or may not stop in two weeks cause I feel like if I’m good with everything then I need to build some strength, but I’ll see how it’s all going.
On another note I had read back on some posts I made with my previous surgery and saw that I had been walking a lot more then I have been.  That made me feel like I haven’t been doing enough, so tonight after summer I went for a walk.  It was pretty slow but I’ll just have to work on that.  Felt pretty good and I was a little stiff when I got home but I’m icing now and will put some cream on before bed and hopefully will wake up and feel good tomorrow.

September 22, 2018 That Big Scar

It’s crazy how when I had Alicia take my bandage off my scar looked huge.  It is a big scar but at first it looks so much worse then it will end up being.  One thing that will always be there is the numbness.  My other knee still has a little numbness to it on the scar, this new knee is numb all over and especially the scar.  All of that does dwindle down but I’m diffeeent phases.  Right now the tenderness in the inside of my knee is my biggest problem, still sensitive but mainly at night in bed is when it’s the worst.

But there have been some more improvements.  I have great bending going on right now with little if not any pain.  Check out how I can bend my knee all the way just like my other knee and that’s doing it without having to push it.  It’s doing it on it’s own just by me bending it.
And how about me sitting Indian style.  Let me tell you I can’t even tell you how long it’s since I have been able to do that.  So these are small but great improvements.  I’m going to be doing a lot more to get some more progress in.  We’ve already added so one new exercises at PT and I’m
going to be stepping up everything I’m allowed to do on my own to help get farther along and just be more aggressive.  I have my Dr appt with the Surgeon on Monday and I’m sure he’ll agree.

September 18, 2018 5 weeks Post-Op

I had to check the calendar a couple of times cause I thought today marked 6 weeks since I had surgery but it’s only been 5.  Funny I say only been 5 because I have mixed feelings about that.  I feel like it’s been longer and of course feeling frustrated at times cause of my limitations but then it makes me happy to know it’s only been 5 weeks so I have a week to make some progress.  lol
But I actually am making progress.  At PT yesterday I had new measurements taken and there’s been improvements in all of them, so that’s a good thing.  And I don’t want to jinx it but I feel really good today.  Very little pain when I do my bending and straightening so that’s a good thing too.  Yesterday I finally got to go in the pool.  My Dr had given me the ok at my last appointment which was at 2 weeks.  He said wait one more week, but I ended up waiting 2 more weeks cause I had a few spots on my scar that seemed to still be a little bit open.  So Austin kept telling me to wait til nothing was open to make sure I avoided any infection.  I have to admit one of them was my fault cause I couldn’t help myself and picked.  Do you know how hard it is to not pick on a scar that is 7 inches long and has a few scabs on it?  Well for me it was hard and because I picked a little on one spot I had to wait to get in the pool.  But I got in yesterday and it felt great.  The pool is so nice cause I can do so much with little effort or pain.  I did a good amount of laps walking with high knees, then some side steps and squats.  It’s a great start and felt good.  That’s why I am surprised I am feeling good today, first I had PT which is always hard, then I did the pool and then after the pool Kev and I went and hit some Pickleball’s for a while. I was sore last night and worried it would carry over today but so far so good.  I’m hoping this 5 week mark is a turning point.  Really the biggest annoyance for me has been the whole sensitivity issue.  It’s gotten a lot better, I still do the rubbing with my little rag and as weird as it may be, it actually helps.  It’s funny cause I’ve even taken it out with me when I go somewhere so it’s handy.  Overall, 5 weeks Post-Op is heading in the right direction. 

September 9,2018 More Progress

So today I made some progress and one thing I wasn’t intending to do but it just happened.  Kev asked me if I wanted to do a little pickleball dinking just to see how it feels.  So I went down to the courts and walked down the stairs.  Here’s the progress, I took the stairs one step at a time.  You don’t know it but let me tell you this is big.  It’s rwally hard to do and I just did it, I walked down the steps. It was funny cause I kind of surprised myself.
Once down the steps Kev and I hit some balls around.  It felt good to be out there but I was definitely hesitant, which is to be understood. I had to decorate this picture so my hits looked more glorious then they were.  lol
After we finished playing here’s another surprise, I walked up the stairs.  One at a time just like that.  Kev was with me and I was like hey look..I’m walking up the stairs.

It’s been 26 days since my surgery so I’m working on making some sort of progress each day and trying to be patient.  The sensitivity pain is getting a little better, I’m doing all sorts of little tricks.  I’m hoping it will be gone soon.

September 4, 2018 3 Weeks Post-Op

Three weeks ago today I had my surgery.  And selfishly I am wishing it was 3 months ago.  These last few days have been so ugh.  I can’t even think of a good word to describe how I have felt.  I’m making good progress and at PT this morning Austin did have to remind me that it’s only been 3 weeks.  I am doing well as far as my exercises and measurements. I even walked a mile each of the last 3 days but again overall not feeling good at all.  I have been so sore and it is so frustrating.  Sore as in I can’t even let anything touch my leg.  Not my clothes, my soft blanket not even the bed sheets.  It all hurts.  Evidently my nerves are all deciding that they want to feel everything.  And the feeling hurts.  Kev was giving me a massage to see if he could help me relax and all I could do is sit there and cry.  He was barely touching me but I am so sensitive it’s unbelievable.  Talking with Austin he was telling me that this is normal and I just have to be patient.  He did say to just take a small hand towel and just rub all around my leg to try and get sensations all around and to try to help relieve the direct pain I’m feeling on my incision.  I’ve been doing it off and on, I’ll try anything.  I am also putting heat on in between doing ice and the warm heat seems to feel good.  But with both the heat and ice it hurts to have something touching me so I can’t win.

With so much that’s going on I am trying to remember what things were like after my last surgery.  Overall I can’t remember.  When I look back on my blog after last surgery I noticed I wrote about all my accomplishments but not too much about the struggles.  So it’s hard to say, am I just being whiny and impatient or is all this part of having a major surgery.  In my mind I know it’s the surgery part but man it’s all so frustrating.