September 25, 2018 6 Week Post-Op Appt

Tomorrow will mark 6 weeks since my surgery.  I had a follow up appointment today with my Dr.  He was very happy with my progress.  He said he I was doing great being just 6 weeks out.  My bend and straightening is really good and he’s happy with it all.  I told him about how bad my sensitivity has been and how the inside of my knee is really sore especially at night.  He said it’s normal that the pain is worse at night and also normal how my knee is always hot.  All of this takes time and will get better in time.  He gave me a prescription for an anti inflammatory cream which he said may help that pain, otherwise I just have to wait it out.  I got the ok to ride a regular bike and he also said I could play pickle.  Although he did follow that with not all out and running around but you can get back out there.  I told him how my lateral movement isn’t there yet and that I need to work on that to be able to go all out.  He asked about PT and I told him I was going twice a week and he said he thought I could  quit going in the next two weeks.  I may or may not stop in two weeks cause I feel like if I’m good with everything then I need to build some strength, but I’ll see how it’s all going.
On another note I had read back on some posts I made with my previous surgery and saw that I had been walking a lot more then I have been.  That made me feel like I haven’t been doing enough, so tonight after summer I went for a walk.  It was pretty slow but I’ll just have to work on that.  Felt pretty good and I was a little stiff when I got home but I’m icing now and will put some cream on before bed and hopefully will wake up and feel good tomorrow.

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